I realize that I do not write in here very often, but I've decided that the reason for that is I tend to write when I am upset with something or in a ranting and raving mode. Luckily for my psyche and overall mental health, I haven't felt the need to do that for awhile. Well kids, that time has ended. And it's no surprise the topic that makes me end my long blogence (that's blog-silence for those not adept in the world of made up words). And that topic is non other than America's worst band of all-time, Nickleback.
I honestly don't know where to start with these fellows. I really don't know much about them in a band sense. The only thing I know is that stupid ad-naseum story of how their name came to be. It's so hilarious. I worked at a coffee shop and would always be giving nickels back to customers. Good thing he didn't name the band after the services he provided outside of the coffeshop, otherwise we would be graced with a band called The Blowies. Since their inception, Nickelback has rubbed me the wrong way. Might be the whiny lyrics. Might be the long hair. Might be the fact they are from Canada. Or it might be their level of success, which just astounds me.
My hatred of the band reached a boiling point in college when Jeffrey Boll and myself had an internship at The Hog in Janesville. It was a turd of an experience, but we did come away with something that summer. And that was the understanding that dirty townies across Southern Wisconsin loved Nickleback. They cranked it at the bar appearnaces and it seemed to be the only thing they listened too. This is when my Nickleback hatred changed from, can choke down listening to a song in the car to, punctured my own ear drums with toothpicks.
And the Hog brings us to the latest debacle of Nickleback. The Hog produced a rock bracket off for March Madness this year. I happened across it one day and thought I would take a look. It was as I expected with 1 seeds being AC/DC, Metallica, Van Halen, and Led Zeppelin. Not exactly my cup of tea musically, but I can understand the seedings. The more I looked at the bracket, the more I was surprised that they didn't have a whole lot of new bands in their rankings. And if they did, they were really low seeds. For example, Disturbed was a 15, The Offspring (vomits) were a 16. And then I looked closer. And saw that Nickleback had been ranked a 4. Take that in for a second. This bracket was supposed to represent the 64 best rock bands of all time, meaning they had put Nickleback on a line that could be anywhere from 12th best to 16th best of all time. They pitted them against Whitesnake, and thankfully in the fan voting Whitesnake advanced. But seriously, a 4 seed? No band formed in the last 20 years was a 9 seed or higher, until Nickleback at a 4. I don't have many other words to explain this awfulness other than townies love Nickelback.
And for Jeffrey. I noticed on the hog's website that our former "boss" was not on the air any more. I took that to mean she didn't work with the company at all anymore. And that means the makeup industry in Janesville has taken a big financial hit. I believe she used a caulk gun and trowel as an applicator in the morning.