Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Everyone has them and nearly no one completes them. I personally believe part of that is pressure and part of it is expectations. Everyone expects to make a resolution and be better in 4 days. Sadly, that is not how it works. It's about process and tiny strides. I am trying to progress and make good on a few of my resolutions. Most of them are the usual: working out, eating better, reading more, no caffeine, etc.

But my main concern is my relationship with Kristi and how I can better the bond we have. I believe it is rock solid already, but I will be cliched and say there is always room for growth. I have three goals to work on in the next few months. I need to be more open in letting her know how I feel. I keep things bottled up and they almost always blow up in our faces. That needs to change. I need to not be as attached and let both of us live our lives. And lastly, I need to stop creating stupid fights about things that don't matter.

If I can do those three things I will be happier with myself and in a better place. And those changes start right now, no lead in, no prep time, right now...

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