Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Warmth....

My title not only reflects an awesome Incubus song, but also what I have been feeling lately here in the Twin Cities. We do not have air conditioning, only a window unit in our bedroom, and let me tell you the last couple days have been dooseys. Yesterday, it got up to 94 with a heat index of 105. To paraphrase Lewis Black, "You know the heat index is over 100 when you step outside and wonder why you didn't put deodorant on your balls." So yeah, wicked hot. People wonder why I yearn for the awesomeness that is winter. Because I don't sweat while watching TV in Winter.

Took in the first two season of Nip/Tuck over the past month or so. It's a show that I watched early on in it's run and then fell off, and then jumped back on again. The first 2 seasons are bad ass, but it runs off the rails pretty quickly in the 3rd season. By the second case of incest in 4 episodes, I was off that ship. But if you enjoy something that was cutting edge and rather risque for its time, take a look on Netflix where all of the seasons are on instant view.

Speaking of F/X shows, I started watching the first season of Sons of Anarchy, and I can't recommend it enough. It's essentially Hamlet, but if Hamlet had a methhead ex-wife and beat people to death with broken pool cues. I only caught the latter half of season two on the old idiot box, so seeing it from its genesis is a real must for anyone who enjoys television.

Went and saw Inception for a second time, this viewing being in an IMAX theater. Loved the movie even more than the first time I saw it. The pacing in the middle kind of turns me off, but everything else is spot on. And if you thought the underlying bass in the score was loud, see it in IMAX. I'm surprised people's eyeglasses didn't break.

And lastly, baseball is now dead to me with the Cubs being 10 games out of first place after the All-Star break. This team just didn't have it and was poorly constructed. Too much money handed out to veterans who were starting to decline, and the confidence in four rookies to be in the bullpen is just mystifying. I know Brewers fans share my lament, and we can only wait for the sweet embrace of football season. A season which should be rather competitive for the NFC North. Full preview to come sometime in August......

1 comment:

  1. I honestly got out Season 1 of Sons of Anarchy with intent to watch it all again before season 3 kicks off. Season 2 was awesome, but season 1 still eclipses it.
