What's going on kids? That's right no posts in two months is turning me into Lane Kimble. Hell, who are we kidding, I would need to go 9 months between posts to be that guy. Well I am back, and certainly not better than ever. For post number 100 I decided to just say I plan on posting more. I truly enjoy writing, even if the things I talk about are the same. So with that I give my resolution to post a little more often for 2011. Or at least January.
Main reason the posting fell off in November and December is that my life was swept up with the seasonality. There was Thanksgiving, my birthday, Christmas, and then new years. And, oh yeah, I decided to get married in the middle of all those things. So I basically got my first feeling of what every year from here on out will be. All out chaos for about a 45 day period. I figure it won't be as stressful because the wedding is done, and though that leaves an anniversary, there will not be nearly as much work that needs to be done.
I want to say thank you to everyone who helped with the wedding and made it possible. We hit our bumps and problems, but all in all, it was still better than I had expected it to be. We had a great ceremony, fun picture time, and if I must say a pretty BA reception. I've never been to another wedding where there was a choreographed version of Bye, Bye, Bye by the wedding party. That in itself makes ours number 1.
Special thanks go out to my groomsmen because they were awesome. And they get special thanks because I know from time to time they peruse the blog and do a little reading. They were fantastic and helped keep me in check all day long. It was a great time and hope they enjoyed it as much as I did.
Well, that's about it for the wedding talk. I will be posting more, though I'm sure it will revolve around sports, movies, TV shows, and penis jokes. Hey, stick with what you know. That's what I always say....
Good to have you back in the world of ye olde Blog my friend. Keep it up boyo.