Monday, May 9, 2011

Lady Gaga? More like Lady What the.....

Hello, friends. Just wanted to report that despite the lack of work being put into this blog, I am, in fact, still alive. And something has come to my attention that I have to write about. And that something, or rather somebody is Lady Gaga.

I wouldn't say I am a fan of Lady Gaga, but I don't necessarily hate her either. She has some tracks on radio that get in your head and they stay there. That is a credit to her and her writers. But the thing that has made her more like able in my eyes is the fact that there seems to be talent there. She went to NYU's Tisch School for the Arts. I would assume you need some sort of talent (or money) to get into a place like that. And that's what puts her above your Spears or Perry. Because for those women it's about looks before music.

But after watching some of Lady Gaga's concert on HBO the other night, I have a different opinion. Before it was just apathy towards her. I could care less. But now, when I think of Lady Gaga I just think of a pre-packaged product that has in effect sold-out. Don't get me wrong, I realized she was packaged long before. But watching just a half hour of her concert drove that nail home.

Her sets are extremely theatrical which is cool if you like that sort of thing. But for me it comes off as creepy. Carrying around a big light stick that looks like a penis? Creepy. Singing songs while wearing a Freddy Krueger glove and simulating masturbation? Creepier. Asking New York City to get on their feet and raise their hands if they have a giant cock? Creepiest.

The show was song after song with little talking points in between. Gaga would talk soft for a few lines and THEN YELL THE REST OF HER LINES AND ADD "ARE YOU WITH ME NEW YORK CITTTAAAY." It got old fast. And I understand she is a big advocate for gay and transgender rights. And I think it's great and admirable for someone of her stature to be so public with her thoughts. But she just kept mention how people get bullied and picked on and made fun of. And at some point I just wanted her to say something positive instead of all the bad things that have happened.

Not sure if I have a real point here. Though I was stunned to see all the parents walking into the arena with their children during the rolling credits. I wouldn't take my 9 year-old daughter to that kind of concert. And Gaga cemented my thoughts by dropping every expletive in the book, which (shocker) don't appear in her radio-friendly songs.

Ultimately, I would like to see stars like this with obvious talent do what they do best. And for Lady Gaga, I think that would be to play the piano and sing all her songs a cappella. Sadly, I am in the minority. But I think less is more, and in her case, it would mean a lot more to be a little less dramatic.


  1. Rammstein got banned from the country for those same things, except they are awesome and she is not. Nicely done, my friend.

  2. I thought her talent would be taking massive blunt force trauma to the face without anyone being able to tell the difference...
