I treat this blog as a place to make jokes about movies, sports, or tv shows. But every once in awhile some sort of social issue comes in a gets me on a rant. This time they are somewhat connected. And you can add Penn State football to the group of teams I won't root for. Don't get me wrong, they were close to a member of the list before, but this last transgression is unforgiveable.
The scandal that a former coach (Jerry Sandusky) sexually abused young boys is one that chills me to the core. Not because something like that happened to me, or that I know someone who has been through that ordeal. No, it's because it's one of the few things in the world that should chill you to the bone with no connection at all to the act. Things like this happening to children are terrible and unspeakable. But as with anything, it is how things happened after the incidents that make it that much worse.
According to reports multiple people within the organization, including head coach Joe Paterno, knew of the allegations and had cooperated with police investigations. When the investigations were delayed and didn't go anywhere, Paterno essentially let the matter go. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I realize that the alleged was one of your coaches and probably a good friend, but how can you live as a person knowing that it just "went away."
Here is the money quote from Paterno-
“As my grand jury testimony stated, I was informed in 2002 by an assistant coach that he had witnessed an incident in the shower of our locker room facility. It was obvious that the witness was distraught over what he saw, but he at no time related to me the very specific actions contained in the Grand Jury report. Regardless, it was clear that the witness saw something inappropriate involving Mr. Sandusky. As Coach Sandusky was retired from our coaching staff at that time, I referred the matter to university administrators.”
I get that he did his due dilligence, but it is not even close to enough. How do you sleep at night knowing that a possible sex offender that you knew, employed, and trusted is out walking on the streets? If I found out alleged stories about any of my family members or friends that were like this, I couldn't live with myself unless I did everything in my power to find out the truth, good or bad.
I get that legal problems come into play, but they shouldn't. If that information is brought to you, no matter your stature, you go to the police immediately. Penn State should be punished severely and Joe Paterno should be fired. There is no middle ground, not in a situation this severe. This was a man (Sandusky) who used his standing in the community to gain the trust of children and parents. And multiple people knew of allegations and did their best to either ignore them, or make them go away. Anyone who roots for Penn State football from this day forward should be ashamed of themselves. And for those that think that opinion is too harsh, read the police report. What I said treated them as what they should be treated like: Criminals.
There are NUMEROUS people who didn't do anything close to enough, Paterno is the biggest name who in turn gets the biggest blame. I'm not absolving him, but I can't possibly crucify him on this one.