Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Gut Check Time...

It has been awhile since I have posted. I got caught up in the whirlwind known as work and then a mini vacation.

Work is going well at the moment as we wind our way through March Madness. I have a few games left and then essentially nothing extra as we go towards summer. I am going to spend this time doing my job, and beginning my search for a new one in Minnesota. I am going to work hard on my resume as well as a demo tape. I want to put together a collection of my on-air stuff, play-by-play calls, and commercials. I will have extra time to work on these things and they are extremely important in my quest for a new job.

I just spent 4 days with my fantastic girlfriend and feel rejuvenated. I am now super excited to move up and live with her permanently. I am happier when I am with her, and this weekend just confirmed the thought of wanting to spend my life with her.

I am going to post more often here because it was my quasi-new years resolution. I have given up on reading more. If it's good I read it. If it's not, then too bad. And it's back to working out starting on Wednesday. I have a goal to go to the gym 28 out of the next 38 days. It is a completely arbitrary number, but one I need to follow to get to April 10th. I am already in better shape, but have fallen off the wagon a bit. Time to ship up and ship out.

"Stress is the fertilizer of creativity."-Jonas Hodges, 24

I am going to live by that quote during these next 38 days. With stress, comes strain. With strain, comes perseverance. With perseverance, comes change.....

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