I wish I could come up with my own original things to say, but for this week quasi-quoting South Park will have to do. They ripped the Jonas Brothers, Christians, Disney, and the media all in one episode. In my book that's an action packed episode, and a fantastic one.
The entire episode revolved around the Jonas Brothers and their purity rings. Disney was using the band (a loose use of the term) to sell their sexual themes to little girls. They justify that preaching sex to little girls is only OK when they have purity rings on. We later find out the brothers want to ditch the rings, but the president won't let them. The president is Micky Mouse and he proceeds to beat up one of the brothers, call them every expletive in the book, relay his entire message to the watching audience, and then grow to a 40 foot behemoth who breaths fire and wreaks havoc on Denver.
Now I don't always find South Park funny, and I don't always agree with their message. Not the case here. Funny, and absolutely dead on.
It rips Disney for turning every 14 year old into a god loving, sex hating star. It shows the obscene profit they make off of those kids and their parents.
It rips Christians for believing that a ring can stop people from having sex. Not going to happen, kids have urges and they act on those urges.
And it rips the Jonas Brothers for being huge tool sheds with no talent who are put on a pedestal. And I garaun-damn-tee those guys know exactly what effect they have on children who watch their shows and buy their albums. And it is not a good effect. Same thing happened with Britney Spears, Michael Jackson, and the Brady Bunch for crying out loud
Lastly, I end my rant with this. I was having a conversation with my girlfriend this week about Bristol Palin and her situation. We concluded that a lot of the problems could be solved by teaching safe sex, which republicans are generally against. And then she came up with a doozy of an equation:
Safe sex = no babies, no babies = no abortions, no abortions = happy republicans
It seems too easy to be true.
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