Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Leave it to Sean Hannity to whisk up into a hot lather. Actually, it isn't anything he said. It is essentially what he doesn't say. I have said numerous times on this blog that I tend to stray toward the liberal side. It's a combo of my family upbringing, where I lived, and then what I personally came to believe. But though I see Hannity as insane, I can see the staunch liberals as insane too. Nothing would really satisfy me more than having Sean Hannity and Michael Moore enter a cage with a hungry lion. They are both certifiable. And I have an explanation to show why, and how far down we are as a country.

I caught a little of Hannity's radio show today and a listener posed an interesting point to him. A little background first. Conservatives have been crushing President Obama for a gaffe in a speech a few weeks ago. He mispronounced the word "corpsman" and focused on the dead corpse part. He said it three times, off the teleprompter, and conservatives have been saying how this happens when you are a robot and read a script, and also do not have a military background. I personally say honest mistake, by a probably really tired guy.

Fast forward to when Sarah Palin wrote something on her hand before giving a speech. Liberals ripped her for being unprepared and not having her facts straight. I say it was a last minute thing, and she truly just did it to remember a couple of main points.

Both of these things, in my eyes at least, were harmless. So today a woman called into the Hannity program and asked him what the difference is between conservatives ripping Obama and liberals ripping Palin. She said what he does to the President is just as bad as what the liberals do to Palin. He skirted the issue and talked about how he is just showing the "naivety" of the President. But the caller has a point.

Political talk shows are helping kill our government and political spirit. They would rather be catty and focus on unimportant things than bring up issues that really matter. That is what irks me. These two instances got press time, and for that mater, a lot of press time. Let's focus on the real issue kids.

We wonder why two-term Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana up and said he wasn't running for re-election this week. He said he was fed up with government and partisan politics. Maybe we need more people like this. He said he wasn't getting anything done, so maybe a new elected official would.

I wish we could all just get along. And at the very least, quit the bitching about minor things. Seriously, is what Sarah Palin has written on her hand crucial to national security? Is a mispronunciation on the part of President Obama going to push back a possible health care bill getting passed? No, but complaining about these things constantly bogs down the process. So knock it off.


  1. Atta boy Zach- I always look forward to what surely would have been a Pants Optional rant by you sir. I completely agree. I can't remember the last time I tuned in to a political talk show and heard a topic that was actually important. It is a sad a depressing reality. That's why they should hire us.

  2. Listen to more Rage Against the Machine, it's a cure-all.
