Do you really need to have any to give any? That question refers to the statement in my title. I ask this because I have been perusing my good friend's blog which is mainly music based. He is a great-music mind and knows more than I ever could hope to know. I only bring this up, because he was talking about Leonard Cohen who wrote "Hallelujah." And I swear to god it's the only song I have ever listened to where I thought the vocals were reminiscent of livestock raping each other. Everyone is entitled to their opinion about certain subjects. And certain people are much more qualified to speak about said subjects. So if Nate has good words to say about him, then I will believe him. But god damn, I hate that song.
I'm really excited for the new Tonight Show. Only because it is the first time in TV history where we may see an actual coup on stage. I know the crowd always acts excited, but you know some groups of folks who love Conan will infiltrate and destroy. It's that conniving and vengeful spirit that TV, and for that fact our country was founded on. And how bad is this? Usually when a "new" show starts they pull out all the stops to get big time celebs and stars to come on the show. They released the goat-chins lineup for the first week. On day 3 his guests are the cast of Jersey Shore and Avril Lavigne. That's day THREE. I'm sorry NBC, was Milli Vanilli busy on Wednesday afternoon.
Lastly, I've been a big fan of Olympic hockey this week. Not just because of the US involvement. But the WIDE OPEN play. These guys showcase what the game should be: grace, speed, stopping on a dime and changing direction. I really hope that the NHL considers getting rid of fighting. The game is much more beautiful when guys take hits and checks, but the enforcer can't come in and bash some one's brain in.
And oh yeah, take that Russia. Favorite for the gold just get absolutely bum-rushed by an angry Canadian team. 3 goals in the first 9 minutes. Ridiculous. My guess is Canada beats the US for the gold, but you can always hope for and underdog...
I'm so torn about fighting in HAWKEY. I love the fact you can't just destroy Sidney Crosby because some 6'4" house on skates will try to make your face into an expressionist painting. I like that it's a self-policing sport, in a way like baseball. They've dibble-dabbled with disallowing fighting, but it has it's place. You are right though, playoff and Olympic hockey is better, but keep in mind I believe the Olympic rink is a little larger and more wide-open. Maybe just increase the rink size and let the goons have their place, how else are they going to earn a decent living? At the docks?
ReplyDeleteAllow me to clarify my friend. "Hallelujah" is a good song, but not when Cohen sings it. Lyrically and harmonically it is quite good, but when he sings it...yes, it does sound like livestock raping eachother. His voice is terrible after his first album. It really does make baby Jesus cry. Apologies for any confusion. I wonder if he wanted his voice to sound like a coked up transvestite, or if was an accident, like his birth. BOOM.