Monday, March 1, 2010

Whatever you Like....

A little grab bag of thoughts for you to wrap up the weekend.

Went to the movies and saw Shutter Island Saturday afternoon. I enjoyed the show, despite the movie getting marginal reviews. Most of those reviews talked about how the movie was not in-line with Scorcese's other work and not his strongest outing. Well, it is hard to put up unbelievable award-winning movies every single time. Even his movies of late that received less fan-fare (The Aviator, Gangs of New York) were pretty damn good. So I find that standard ridiculous. Leo is impressive as usual, Kingsley rocks as a creepy dude, and Mark Ruffalo is solid. Seriously, when is Ruffalo going to get his own starring vehicle. Guy brings it in every movie I have ever seen him in. Twist at the end is somewhat predictable, especially with the way the movie progressed. Visuals were unbelievable and I would have to think the cinematography will be up for some awards. Only thing I have a problem with is that the story works better as a novel, and not a film. But I don't really enjoy reading too much, so I give that a pass as well. Overall it gets an 8. Not a classic, but definitely entertaining and worth going to the theater to see.

Olympics wrapped up yesterday and Canada gets the last laugh beating the U.S. in hawkey. Anyone who knows anything about sports saw this coming. And if you seriously thought the Americans were going to win, you are delusional. Same thing happens to Soccer fans when the U.S. has a good run and grabs some upsets. We think we actually know what we are doing and have the best players in that sport. False. Seriously Americans, let's be happy with basketball and football. We are the best in those and that will not change anytime soon.

I can't talk enough about how much I am loving sushi these days. After partaking at different restaurants and trying different rolls, Spicy yellow tail is my favorite. Just enough kick to get you going, but not so much that you don't enjoy eating it. And congrats to Sushi Tango in Uptown for making the strongest rum and coke I have ever had at a restaurant. Not the strongest I've ever had though, Denny K's in Whitewater will forever hold that title. I'm not even sure it was rum at Denny's. It might have been paint thinner.

Lastly, baseball season is just around the corner and it is that time of year for my head to fill with dreams and false hope. Of course I think the Cubs will do well, but this is probably their last shot with this current roster. They are an aging team, and the window is open just a crack. I will have much more on the state of the Cubs and baseball for that matter in some upcoming posts. I'm sure I will touch on my new found team, the Twins, and how you are allowed to root for a single team in each league. But don't you worry Cubs, you are always my first choice when I need a broken heart or donkey punch....


  1. Denny K's: Whiskey, or motor oil cut with water? Vodka, or paint thinner? The bar of choice for the super senior semester of myself.

  2. Good call on the Ruffalo leading man point-I'm curious to see if he can play a decent good guy. Scratch that, I'm sure he can, I just really want to see it.

  3. I guess you are like 96% of the world and never saw Ruffalo play the lead detective in Zodiac. DO NOT WATCH THAT MOVIE, but Ruffalo has played a good guy before.
