I voted for our current President, and am pretty excited about the health care legislation. The way I see it, the new stuff will not affect 99% of those who are already insured. What it does do is give those who are unemployed or just not covered, a different opportunity than approaching an insurance company. They can go with the government option. There are critics to everything and right now all Democrats are getting killed over the decision. People call them socialists. I call it understanding. Everyone deserves the chance to see a doctor, and they will still be paying. This is another step in making the playing field equal for everyone. And on a side note, if we did not have public education in our country and a President proposed the idea of creating learning institutions, I seriously think a lot of people would call that person a Socialist because they want everyone to have an opportunity to learn. See how ridiculous that sounds.
In the throes of March Madness, and my bracket is in tatters. I had 7 of the sweet sixteen picked correctly. SEVEN! That's 44% correct. Truly atrocious, and yet I am still optimistic, because I have 5 elite eight, 3 final four, and my national champion still left. In all my years of filling out a bracket (about 14 years or so) I have never had under 10 teams right in the sweet sixteen. And with all my wisdom this year, I got 7. Wow. And the really scary part? I still have a chance to win the pool I am in. That's why I love this tournament.
Booked my flight today to Dallas in May. Gonna stay with an old college buddy who has relocated there and catch some inter league baseball action. Cubs are in town taking on the Rangers, and I couldn't be more excited. A weekend of catching up and catching baseball in Texas weather. Average temperature in Dallas in May = 72.8. Yar betcha.
And lastly, I bring to you the ridiculousness that is ticket prices for comedians of note. Sure you can see up and comers for relatively cheap, but Minneapolis is having their fair share of headliners come this way, and it is crazy cash. I wanted to check out Joel McHale from The Soup and Community, but tickets are near $50 a head. Saw that Chelsea Handler is going to be here in April. Was intrigued and thought I could take the girl on a date night, so I pulled it up and tickets start at $69. And the coup de gra is Conan O'Brien. Coming to the Orpheum Theater in July, tickets started at $109. Who can afford this nonsense? Granted those are big stars, but pretty expensive in my book. I want to know how much of that they see. For what amounts to a 60 or 75 minutes performance, that is a lot of green.
I would pay 50 bucks to see Joel McHale...mostly because I saw Ben Bailey from Cash Cab in Green Bay for free and would have paid that 50 bucks to see that shit. Joel McHale must be worth it. However, Over 100 bucks for Conan is a bit recockulous.