Friday, August 28, 2009

Serious Talk....

I realize that I spend most of my time throughout a day making fun of people or snapping off snarky comments. However, there is a side of me that touches on serious things and this is one of those times.

Kristi's Aunt passed away this past week and I was at home with her family. I helped out with as much as I could considering everything that her family had to deal with. It was an extremely sad time. She was only 51, and despite not having a huge impact on my life, she most definitely did on Kristi and every other member of her extended family.

I really haven't had anyone too close to me pass away except for one grandfather. And as sad as that was, he was very sick and in his late 70's, so it was expected. This women, though being extremely sick, was just entering the prime of her life and now will not be around to see her three daughters grow up. I have no idea why people die at a young age, but it isn't fair. I wish her family the best and some sort of consolation during their time of grief.

I've known people who have lost close family members, and they told me it sucks more than you could ever imagine. And after hearing that one of my first thoughts was, "How can I help in their time of need?"

I've realized that you really can't make anything physically better. But, you can be there for them whether they need a cry or a laugh. Because ultimately people just need to know they are loved and cared about. I think I did a good job these past few days being that shoulder to lean on, and though the situation was not fun at all, I think I came out of it a better person.

I don't really have a point to all of this rambling except this. If you consider someone a friend, be there for them in their time of need. It will mean the world to them and most likely, when something goes down in your life they will be there for you. It's not the greatest situation to be in, but it goes along way in helping the healing process.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I Hope I Don't Get Dumber....

Well, I get two of my wisdom teeth removed today, and I am utterly terrified of the procedure. All four are through the gums and the correct place. They just have to numb me up and take them out. I've got cavities that need to be filled as well. So two come out today, and two next Wednesday. Wish me luck, and hopefully I won't cry in the office today.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Passing Judgement....

There are things that everyone hates. Plain and simple no bones about it. But as soon as you start hating a person you are viewed as passing judgement. And you know what, I really have no problem with that. Especially when it comes to celebrities. So here goes, Zach's most hated celebrities of 2009 from 5 to 1.

5.) Cameron Diaz - She just makes terrible movies and I'm sick of it. Last time I enjoyed one of her films was There's Something About Mary. And I liked it despite her. Honestly, look at her resume, what jumps at you. Animated films with her voice in them. I hear that's tough acting. The hardest part for me would be not punching Eddie Murphy in the face while I was in the studio with him.

4.) Katherine Heigl - I plain and simple can't stand her. One of my biggest pet peeves is someone who doesn't give credit where credit is due. She called out Judd Apatow saying he is sexist towards women in his films. Remind you this was after she starred in Knocked Up and her star status skyrocketed. Then she won an Emmy for Grey's Anatomy. And then withdrew her name the following year saying the writers didn't give her quote "Emmy material to work with." If she was a guy I would say look at the balls on this one. There is nothing wrong with being a dominant woman in Hollywood. Oprah did it, Ellen DeGeneres is doing it. Difference is they don't throw people under the bus while driving it.

3.) Sacha Baron Cohen - In light of looking like a misogynist, I would like to point out that I hate male celebrities too. This guy is near the top. I think he's funny and I think his movies are funny. Uncomfortable and albeit funny. But seriously man, not everyone needs to see you in character every damn day. The guy promotes his movies as the characters and it drives me nuts. I didn't see Denzel Washington go on The View as Alonso from Training Day and start capping old ladies. The sad thing is he is a truly funny guy. I saw him on Letterman promoting Bruno and he was charming, eccentric, and a little shy. More of that please.

2.) Jeremy Piven - This no talent hack has been the toast of Hollywood for a while now and I gotta say, I'm not impressed. He's been around forever, made some good movies, and now has a persona. He is Ari Gold, which is good if you like his show or his style. I do not. I find Entourage to be the most self-serving piece of shit show on Television in years. Nothing happens. I've watched five episodes in my lifetime and the same things happen. The main guy gets a job, he loses it, Ari curses, he gets the job back, you see boobs, his posse sits at the pool, roll credits. Really? That's all it takes to make a hit show? I can only hope the next time he's at a sushi restaurant there is a guy in the back with a samurai sword who makes quick work of this punk.

1.) Brett Favre - Was there ever any question that he was going to be number 1? There is a deep burning passion of hatred for this man buried deep in my loins. Partly because he destroyed the Bears for nearly 12 years of my life. And partly because the main is kind of a jerk face, but no one ever reported that. Oh really he took performance enhancing drugs, lets look the other way. Oh really he cheated on his wife, lets look the other way. Oh really he had his own locker room and barely spoke to teammates, lets look the other way. If ass clown was in the dictionary, his picture would be right next to it. Honestly, he was a great player, but his personality and off the field stuff left something to be desired. Reporters always said he was an everyman, and I believed that as long as I thought everyman was an asshole. He has hijacked the emotions of two teams and took them for his own personal joyride. Now there are tons of Brett haters and I love it. I just look at my view of him and am happy I was ahead of the curve.

And there it is, the list of hate. I realize I am a jerk, but I do have my reasons. And I don't know these people, so in an essence, no blood no foul.