Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Sufficient, The Awesome, and The Atrocity....

In an attempt to match Jeffery K. Boll step for step in movie viewing, I have a couple of reviews to share.

The Sufficient:

I went and saw Angels and Demons on its first weekend and can say I was pleasantly surprised. The DaVinci Code was prototypical terrible film making. No acting, no story, and slow visuals. The former makes up for those mistakes, but is not nearly a great film. It's not that the material isn't engaging, it's just that the source material is better suited for reading than viewing. I don't mind reading a little history and having a story go along with it. But viewing it is another story.

Hanks is chummy chummy in the role as Robert Langdon. I really like Tom Hanks. I think he is the best actor from my parents' generation, but these movies do not show that skill. the standout for me was clearly the visuals. They never received permission to shoot in Vatican City and their interpretations and CGI look flawless. Visually it is fantastic when you take that into consideration.

Overall 6 out of 10

The Awesome:

I visited Minneapolis this past weekend and went with the gf to see Star Trek. I preface this by saying I have never seen a Star Trek movie before. I had a little background and knew about Shatner and Neemoy and all that jazz. That is where my knowledge ended. And the movie was what it should be, a summer blockbuster that keeps you griped in your seat despite not knowing quite what the hell was happening.

The story was a tad confusing, but it didn't matter because I was in awe and amazed. Damn you J.J. Abrams you have done it again. Despite despising Lost, I have really liked all of your movies. Mission Impossible 3, Cloverfield, and now Star Trek. Visually it was stunning, there were no low points in the plot, and all of the acting choices seemed to be inspired and fit into a tight puzzle. I truly look forward to a sequel with Kirk and Spock joining together to whoop up on aliens. And any chase scene where the music is Sabotage by The Beastie Boys is completely bad ass.

Overall 8 out of 10

The Atrocity:

This one is two-fold. First, terrible movie trailers. I have been to about 4 movies in the past month and for the most part I have seen the same trailers. Which would be awesome, if they looked any good. In stead I am subjected to the terribleness that is G.I. Joe, G-Force, and The Proposal. For those of you keeping score at home, those are movies about a childhood cartoon, ninja-spying hamsters, and something starring Sandra Bullock. Kill me now.

Secondly, Marcus Theaters needs to get your act together. I have a theater 7 minutes from my home and it has always been convenient, but it sucks and I am giving up on going there. I went to an AMC in Minneapolis and I felt so pampered that I thought there would be a guy trying to shine my shoes while I was watching the movie. That's a nice feeling. The only feeling I ever have at Eastgate is that I am going to get stabbed if I go to the bathroom. Seriously guys, lets pick it up a tick, please?

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


This post has been a long time coming and mainly because I have been trying to actually form some thoughts.

This whole Carrie Prejean thing really gets to me. Not because of what she said or didn't say, but because of the way opinions in this country have become. I'm not sure when it happened, but apparently if you are on one side of the fence in an issue, then you hope the opposite side catches the Ebola virus. And to quote Chris Rock, "That ain't right."

She opposes gay marriage. Big deal. So does half of the country. That's what is great about our nation. If that's what you believe, then run with it. I have no problem with her beliefs, I just have a problem with the way they have been presented. More on this later.

I personally do not oppose gay marriage. I believe everyone has equal rights. We live in a country full of ancestry that dates back to any other place on the planet. Immigrants came to this country because they had a dream of a place where they wouldn't be persecuted over any issue. And our country has unfortunately persecuted just about everyone who is deemed "different." Whether you are gypsy, Irish, black, or gay, chances are you have been persecuted. And quite frankly, that's a load of crap. People are people. No more no less. I mean if this wasn't true, don't you think the Bill of Rights would have an asterisk.

Back to Prejean, who is now going on every program imaginable to discuss the plight of the American family because of gays. That's pure horseshit. The plight of the American family has to do with changing times, not homosexuals. It has to do with people being so obsessed with their own greed, that they don't give their family the time of day. That's where the plight comes from, not gays. I still can't believe in 2000 effing 9 we as a people can't accept the fact that some men prefer the company of other men. Or that some women would rather be with other women. It boggles the mind that we are so set in our ways to think this way.

And as for Prejean, she can think any way she wants because that is her right. But to try and bastardize the situation and become a celebrity off of a beauty pageant question is insulting. She will not go away until everyone has heard her message, and that's okay. The only problem is the way she stumbled upon her path. Had she been an advocate before all of this hi jinks is one thing. But what she has done is the complete opposite.

I know I won't change any ones mindset, and I'm fine with that. I'm just bringing out the morality of any situation. When you boil everything down to the meat and potatoes, everyone is the same. Sure, some people don't have money, cars, or Swiss-bank accounts. But everyone has 5 fingers on each hand. Everyone has a heart and brain. And it's time we start using those two, stop complaining about the other side and embrace people for what they are. Other human beings.

Monday, May 11, 2009

The saga continues....

On the company dollar (well the tickets at least) I went to the Cubs/Brewers game Friday night at Miller Park. And after coming back from the game, I have a few thoughts.

1.) I enjoyed my experience for the most part and sat next to a guy my age who was pretty awesome. He was in his Brewers regalia, and I in my Cubs'. And there was no yelling, no cursing, no animosity. We talked baseball, talked life and cracked jokes about both teams. Among the topics: Prince Fielder's weight, Jason Kendall's giant gummer, and Mike Fontenot's dwarfishness. It was truly a great time to sit next a complete stranger, yet drum up a friendship over baseball.

2.) However, the night was not without idiot fans for both sides. Many expletives were thrown and people were booed. And I just can't understand it. I have always been told I take the game too serious when I attend in person. I keep score. I don't drink enough. I don't get loud enough. But you know what, I don't act like an asshole either. So when it comes down to it, I would rather be the quiet, weird guy keeping score enjoying his one $7.50 beer, than the doucheosity yelling and dropping f-bombs in front of 7 year olds and their mothers. I'm old fashioned like that.

3.) Ryan Braun needs to knock it off. I already sound like an old-timer in this post so I might as well finish it off. He hit a home run that won the game on Friday and it was a beast of a hit. I was there and the crowd was absolutely deafening. I later saw replays of his "hot-dogging it" around the bases and was not pleased. Emotion is one thing, dickishness is another. I don't like it when anyone shows up the other team. The NL Central has its culprits in Alfonso Soriano, Carlos Zambrano, Jose Valverde, and Ryan Braun. It needs to stop. It's not crying over spilled milk for me about Braun. He has done this against the Cubs, Cardinals, Pirates, and Astros. I'm sorry, when you show up four of your division opponents on separate occasions, you are going to see a fastball in the ear hole. And I will sit back and say, "I told you so."

4.) The parking situation at Miller Park needs to be figured out and quickly. the game was done at 9:25 and we did not exit the parking area until 10:30. Whoever designed that place should never get a job. Ever again.

5.) I went to the game with my dad and had a great time. We chatted throughout the game and the drive to and fro, and ultimately just enjoyed each others company. My family is not one for sentimental moments, but it definitely would go on the list. He thanked me for taking him, and on that day, I wouldn't have wanted to spend the night with anyone else.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Part Duex....

I was conversing with my girlfriend this weekend, and told her I had many more people and/or things to add to my list. And because I am a spiteful bastard, here they are.

News Media - How has your week been? Swine flu? Remember that thing that was so much worse than the other things and maybe even the worst thing ever? Yeah neither do I. It's time to move on. You could have been informing us about things that actually matter. Instead we had people running around in surgical masks scared to go near a tenderloin. You know who still ate bacon? This guy.

FOX - Last Wednesday, you decided to not show the President's news conference because it would cut into your prime time lineup. Lie to Me? You have got to be kidding me. How arrogant can you be? I have an excerpt from that meeting.

White House Aide: I'm sorry networks, but President Obama would like to address the nation on Wednesday night, and would appreciate if you set aside an hour of your time to do your duty as a news service and inform the public

FOX Executive: Eff that, the people need more Tim Roth and Ryan Seacrest!

In a related post, I would rather let a live porcupine burrow near my testicles than watch an episode of American Idol. True Story.

Alex Rodriguez - A new book has been released that alleges he took steroids in High School. Wow. I guess you aren't going to the Hall of Fame. It must take a lot of energy to put up huge numbers, go to great lengths to prove you are not taking steroids, and then do them any ways. If I had to ballpark it, I would say these allegations are too high. A Mexican national told me last week, that he just injected steroids into his mother's womb in the second trimester.

MTV Movie Awards - I realize you are not a real awards show, but you need to at least try. The movie with the most nominations was Twilight. I know you need to play up to your demographic, but honestly this is a little much. Even people who loved the books thought the movie was bad. Joining in the best movie nominations, none other than High School Musical 3: Senior Year. I think they just throw things at a dart board. If the same panel chose the Academy Awards, White Chicks would have won for best make-up, and Norbit takes down best picture.

Jenny McCarthy - She received her own talk show this week. Wow, I lost my train of thought after writing that sentence. A former Playboy playmate and terrible actress has her own GD talk show? What's next, a janitor goes to work for NASA? And god only knows who her demographic is. Guys won't watch, because, well because it's a talk show and that is boring. And women won't watch because they know all of their men have seen her naked. This show will make Chevy Chase look like a genius.

I step away from the keyboard, and promise to bring something more uplifting next time.