Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Not sure if that is a word, but it will apply to something that I have to talk about. That my friends is the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition. It has been delivered to homes the week before Valentine's Day for nearly 50 years. I wonder if they also delivered some KY and tissues to those homes as well. I digress with masturbation jokes, but my point is the Internet has made this issue, and for that matter visual magazines, irrelevant. I saw a commercial for it yesterday on TV and they were talking about the big "unveiling" of the cover model.

First off, anyone who knows anything about sports and or modeling knew that Brooklyn Decker, aka Andy Roddick's naughty time partner, was about a 5:2 favorite to make the cover. Secondly, you know what I did today? I just went online to SI.com and right on the front page were the articles, the magazine cover, and then links to EVERY picture in the magazine. I did not look at a single picture, however that doesn't mean i didn't have thoughts about the magazine. And my thought is why have a hard copy and then put all the content online. Sure some people will buy it, because it is frowned upon in many workplaces to pull your pants down, but why even shell out $3.50 for something you can get for free.

So I guess my point is that computers have killed magazines. Or at least picture magazines. Newspapers are dying, but at least with them you have to read. Some people will always buy newspapers because they like to feel the paper between their fingers, and enjoy the feeling of accomplishment once you have paged through the respective sections. A picture based magazine however should just never be printed. I know it is big ad money, but when was the last time you went out of your way to buy a magazine, or get a subscription. I go to at least 5 websites a day that have actual publications, and I don't pay a dime. And you know what, I get 98 percent of the same content. And that is something I can live with.

So what's my point. I really don't have one, except why buy something you can see online. And if I were SI I would make the Swimsuit "Issue" completely digital and get my sponsors that way. Clicking through a gallery and a Coke ad pops up. Easy as pie.

I watched Zombieland over the weekend and it was highly enjoyable. I'm a big Jesse Eisenberg fan and get very angry when people talk about Michael Cera. Mainly because Eisenberg has been in 5 movies I have really liked and Cera has been in none, yet he gets the pub. Hollywood whore machine. None the less, movie was very entertaining. It walked the line between funny and gory really well and those elements played well off of each other. The only thing I didn't like was the fact the stupid video store printed the name of the actor who had a cameo in the movie. That pisses me off like nothing more. I hate it. If I know what actors are in a movie I will wait and watch until I see them, and it loses any luster it possibly could have had with the element of surprise. So knock it off Hollywood and stupid-ass video stores.

I haven't seen anything in theaters since Avatar, but Shutter Island comes out in a week and a half. And I'll be there on Friday night, waiting for Leo. Wearing a diaper....

1 comment:

  1. I think it is really sad that magazines and newspapers are a dying breed. But there is one key spot that will never be short of magazines, the bathroom. Not only did you allude to the masterbatory purposes, but pooping is huge. I may be one of the only people who take my laptop to the shitter, using it literally, ON MY LAP. I don't see the big deal, but a lot of people do. Thanks to the magic of pooping, newspapers and magazines will never die.
